Sunday, March 29, 2015

Update 3/29/2015

Hail Wanderers!

As has (sadly) become the case, a very short update this week. I've finished up working on the characters and the basic outline for the narrative of WLNA with one of the lead designers this week, and with that squared away (and by request of the QA testers) I'm going to be starting work on a codex for the game. I'm super excited about this, because I think flavor text and context text have become two of my stronger points when it comes to game narrative, so it will be a lot of fun to work in that area for WLNA, and I hope to be able to bring some more of the crazy setting we've been building to life in the game. Now, the codex entries aren't going to be massive, just the basics of how the building is used followed by a paragraph at most of flavor text, but I still think that it can be fun to have that sort of reference both for gameplay and narrative reasons. Item descriptions can be used to great effect to build the world or just create some fun context for the players, and I hope to be able to do something similar with the codex texts. I'll, of course, post the results up here as I work on them.

Until next time!
Guardian Soul

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