Monday, July 14, 2014

Roadmap: Build 0-1 to build 0-2

Hail Wanderers!

In addition to any bugfixes, balance issues, or other changes that come up as a result of feedback, build 0-2 will focus on an overhaul to the inventory and equipment systems.

The plan is to implement a more traditional inventory system with an icon based inventory and several equipment slots that items will be equipped to. Going along with that, the other major change will be the introduction of randomized loot. Initially this will only be randomized weapon and armor types with different stat values assigned to them but eventually the system will include other stat bonuses and effects. In the far future, the system may change to a component based system that will allow for a mix-and-match style of item deconstructing and crafting, but that will come later.

The other main change will be to the combat system. I can get into the messy details of how it will all work in a later update, but the plan is to change the current randomization system to a more weapon focused one. In the new system, weapons will have a listed damage range and the player (or enemy) stats will be added to a randomly generated number from within that range to determine damage. To allow for a greater range of minimum and maximum damage, all stats in the game will be increased by one decimal place (base player HP will now be 500 instead of 50, for example). Furthermore, both the player and the enemies will see a buff to their attack values and possibly to their total HP values as the balance of the combat system shifts.

This update will hopefully not take too long (certainly not as long as it took to create the first build of the game) but as this is my first time coding some of these systems, I have no estimate to give. I am going to start work on the inventory system today and will keep the blog updated with my progress. In the meantime I hope you are all enjoying the game even in its rough state.

Guardian Soul

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