Friday, January 23, 2015

Update 1/23/2015

Hail Wanderers!

Shorter update this week. Most of what I've been working on has focused around the unique upgrades that each faction will have in WLNA. The idea is to give each building a 'vanilla' upgrade path that simply improves the original building, and to also allow the player to pick a faction path that has more of a unique bonus.

I'm trying to focus these faction upgrades around active abilities, as opposed to a more passive bonus. The idea is to introduce a sort of risk/reward aspect to each upgrade, and give the player more gameplay options and tactical options (along with cool things to do during each match) that don't deviate from the core concept of WLNA. With that in mind, most of the unique upgrades I've designed so far revolve around spending some resource (either by stopping the building's production for a time, or even consuming the building itself) to get a larger, short term effect that can tip the balance one way or another. So far the abilities have been mostly offensive in nature, which I think I may stick to. Earlier in WLNA's production, there was a significant defensive building that could be constructed, but its use bogged down gameplay and made matches drag on too long. During last semester, the offending building was removed. I think that WLNA benefits more from having more offensive options rather than defensive ones, and I think that having a short, but chaotic and action packed match, would be much more satisfying and closer to the intended experience than a longer one.

Anyway, I'll post the list of upgrades up here once it is finished.
Until then!
Guardian Soul

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